Inquiero support

You can get support by Inquiero web interface running in your Internet Explorer. It is a powerfull tool that empowers you to establish a remote desktop connection between you and our support center via ActiveX.

NOTE: if your firewall blocks the connection for remote control session, please configure your firewall to accept the IP address with at least one of these ports: 21, 25, 80, 110, 443 or 11438

There are four modes of remote desktop connection:

  • observer mode
  • total control mode
  • master mode
  • desktop share

    Observer mode

    This mode permits the operator to view your screen, but will not allow the interaction at any time. This is useful when you want to show something to the operator, but you don’t want to allow him to access your computer. If the operator wants to use this mode you will see this text in the support window.

    Total control mode

    This mode permits the operator to take over the total control of your computer. This is useful when you want to show something to the operator and he can help you directly on your computer. He will be able to see your screen and interact using a mouse and keyboard. If the operator wants to use this mode you will see this text in the support window.

    Master mode

    This mode permits you to view the operator’s screen, but will not allow the interaction at any time. You will see the operator’s screen and he can show you something where your interaction is not necessary. When the operator wants to use this mode you will see this text in the support window.

    Desktop share

    This mode permits you to view the operator’s screen with mouse and keyboard interaction. You will see the operator’s screen. You can show something to the operator or see what the operator is doing on his computer. When the operator wants to use this mode you will see this text in the support window. Usually, the Observer mode and Total control mode are most usefull. This is the easyest way of getting help because our Supporter can see what errors do you get and is able to help you directly manage your timemaker if you have some problems. Some people disable ActiveX because it is most popular way of spreading computer viruses due to the Microsoft's incopetence, but the remote control in Inquiero is safe and our Supporters are highly trained professionals, that won't harm your data.